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الأربعاء، 21 أكتوبر 2015

Get the latest tips on protecting your health

It's OK to carry a bit of extra padding: Research reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that being slightly overweight may reduce your risk of dying prematurely. But being obese (having a BMI of 30 or more) raises your risk of dying by 18 percent. Check out 10 ways to fight fat and win.
1. Consider a crash
The consensus has been that dropping pounds gradually results in more permanent weight loss. A recent Australian study, however, showed that those who severely restrict calories are both more likely to achieve their target weight faster and have the same chance of keeping the weight off as those who do this over time. Before going on a radical diet, though, speak with your physician. Very-low-calorie diets are associated with a variety of health risks, including the formation of gallstones.

2. Be naturally sweet
Research finds that artificially sweetened "diet" foods and beverages tend to trigger appetite, increase cravings for empty-calorie carbohydrates and stimulate fat storage. Opt out, or go for healthy sweeteners like honey and maple syrup.
3. Trick your appetite
Eating off smaller plates or blue plates can cut how much you eat. A study from the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University determined that eating off a 10-inch plate instead of a 12-inch one resulted in 22 percent fewer calories served. Plus, a study in the Journal of Consumer Research concluded that eating off a blue-colored plate will make food appear unappetizing and that you'll be likely to eat less.
4. Make skinny friends
A study that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine found that if one person packs on the pounds, his or her close friends are more likely to gain weight, too. The dynamic works in reverse as well, so make plans with your slender pals.
5. Keep it uncomfortable
When living in constantly comfortable temperatures, the body doesn't have to work as hard to maintain its internal temp. By keeping your home a bit colder in the winter and warmer in the summer, you may force your body to burn more calories to adjust, according to an article in the International Journal of Obesity. Bonus: You save some bucks.
6. Watch your cravings
Research shows that depressed people with decreased levels of the hormone serotonin also have a tendency to overeat, leading to obesity. Overeating — especially carbohydrates (simple and complex) — may be an attempt to self-medicate to restore serotonin levels to normal. Get the same effect by having a small serving of your favorite pasta. And if you're feeling chronically sad, be sure to get a medical checkup.
7. Pick protein
A recent study found that people who ate eggs instead of a bagel for breakfast lost 65 percent more weight and had a 34 percent greater reduction in waist circumference.
8. Don't default to antibiotics
Antibiotics can be lifesaving, but don't take them for minor complaints unless you absolutely have to. The overuse of antibiotics may contribute to obesity in some. These meds have an adverse effect on digestive microbes that influence your metabolic rate.
9. Check your neck
If you're gaining weight for no discernible reason, it could be a faulty thyroid gland. Thyroid disease can slow metabolism, leading to weight gain. The good news: Medication can usually fix this.
10. Cut back
Although we're as guilty as anyone of blaming those few extra pounds on our lack of exercise time, a growing body of scientific evidence shows that exercise alone has almost no effect on weight loss. Researchers who reviewed surveys of millions of American adults found that despite their increase in physical activity between 2001 and 2009, this rise in exercise was matched by a jump in obesity in almost every area studied. If you're really trying to lose weight, focus on your food intake and quality.

What are the forelock and why are they false?

 !Information wonderful Hallelujah
:In his book (and tomorrow the era of the faith), Sheikh Abdul-Majid al-Zindani about leeches says
I've always read the words of God (كلا لئن لم ينته لنسفعاً بالناصية * ناصية كاذبة خاطئة). The corner is the front of the head and I ask myself and say, O Lord, reveal to me this sense .. why I said the wrong corner of false? And I speculated it remained more than ten years and I am at a loss attributed to the written explanation I find the commentators say: to be not false corner, but to be the meaning of metaphor and not a real Valenasih is the front of the head of the so-called recipe lying (while the intended owner) .. and continued to have a puzzling to that God is pleased with me in search of a corner by a Canadian scientist (and that was at a medical conference in Cairo) in which he said: Since only fifty years make sure us that the brain, which under the front part directly "corner" is responsible for lying and error and that the source of decision-making .. If cut this part of the brain which is under greatness directly the owner does not have an independent will not be able to choose .... and because they place choice Almighty God said: (for a scorching) which we take it and we burn Bjerirth ... and after that the progress of science strides found that this part of the forelock in animals weak and small (so you do not have the ability to command and direct them) and this indicates God the Almighty: (no animal but is taking her forelock) .... and came in the Hadith: "Oh God, I am your servant, son of Your servant son Nasita your nation with your hand. " But the wisdom of the divine law of God to prostrate this corner and that Ttoti him come out negative charges of the head to the ground and reaches the blood to all parts of the brain Vigvea positive shipments needed and because of the brain capillaries is not up to the blood only to prostrate This is one of the wisdom of God Almighty (and Ootim of knowing only a little)
..New information Okaroha ... I ask Allah interest you and me 
Excellent piece of information means more often from prostrating our decisions to be sound and we Aslmha Enabdallah one Sunday increases our faith in God
When the foot is Flanstejer prayer istikhaarah Bnasitna mean we worship God Almighty for our opinion proper istikhaarah
God make us steadfast and establish you and makes all that is good honest Nasitna